East Leeds Swimming Club
Register for a free site membership to get involved in club activities:
Site Membership - Register for the site to access members only features. Site membership also gives access to our free Club mobile app - see below for more details.
Groups - Join our club ‘Groups’ to keep in touch with members around training, competition, social events or anything else.
Events - Browse the Events Calendar, RSVP to events for meets and socials, let other Club members know you are attending and be updated with the latest details.
Instagram feed - Tag your own posts with #swimeastleeds to have them appear in our website feed.
Download our app!
Download the Wix Spaces for iOS and Android to access the East Leeds Mobile App. Keep in touch with other members via our Groups and browse and RSVP to training, competition and social events. Chat with other members and receive push notifications to keep up to date with the latest Club news!
Login with your East Leeds website account details or use code S68WMD to register via Wix to access the app (use the same login for website or app).